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THE SANCTUARY VIEW OF DIMITRA AND DAUGHTER in THASOU located outside the walls,in the rocky promontory of Evreokastro outside the ancient city of Thasos, but very close to the wall is the temple of Thesmophoros deities, Dimitra and Daughter. The ruins of a gallery open to the sea and the remains of three walls at the base is bearing. The first phase of the plateau dates back to the 6th century. p. Ch., with modifications, which include the elevation of the great wall, dating to around 390-370 p. x.
The gallery was built in the early Hellenistic period. The identification of this sanctuary of Dimitra and Daughter emerged from the offerings of clay idols praying women and Cairns, found during the excavation. Among the findings that helped to identify the sacred with the Goddess was the clay pig effigy with < opened> abdomen.
As you know, during the Thesmophoria, thrown pigs in << mansions>> goddess. On site Thesmophoros also found a number of inscribed terms and structures shows that were held here and worship clannish gods (Zeus Alastoros, Athena clannish, Artemis Orthosiis, Nymphs). The sanctuary was succeeded in the 5th century. m. x. a basilica and a cemetery while today on their ruins was built the church of the Holy Apostles.